Avainsana: Spain

In English,Maa Country Land,Yleinen

Mallorca (in English)

03.01.2023, travelfood

The name Mallorca might make you think of pork parties or a destination filled with noisy and demanding tourists. I can tell you that Mallorca has passed that stage and returned to a harmonic joint existence between locals and travelers. At least viewed from my perspective, as a tourist. We were based in the old …

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In English,Maa Country Land,Yleinen

Southern Spain

23.10.2013, travelfood

Before I have written about northern Spain, Catalonia and the Basque country – now it is time for Madrid, and everything that is found south of the capital, such as Andalusia. Most travelers go to Costa Blanca or Costa del Sol, but as soon as you go to the inlands, you are in the authentic …

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In English,Maa Country Land,Yleinen

Gran Canaria (in English)

04.12.2012, travelfood

The Canary Islands are usually viewed as a destination that has sold its soul to tourism. A tourism paradise where locals serve foreign visitors who are not the slightest interested in anything else than sun, warmth, entertainment and international food. I myself used to loathe the thought of that and my first visit to the …

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In English,Maa Country Land,Yleinen

Northern Spain and Barcelona

23.11.2011, travelfood

Spain is a vast country, with counties that differ from each other a great deal. Therefore it feels a bit odd to write about northern Spain in one article. Since the differences are so big, it is understandable that there are many groupings that would like to see for example the Basque country and Catalonia …

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